Final album released!
The long-awaited final album by The Outer Loop is now up for sale!
The tracking of the new album, "Later ..." was
never completed, however there was enough recording done, as
imperfect as it may
have been, to scrounge together a decent sounding final chapter
for The Outer Loop. You can order the album online through Steamy
Attic Records. We hope you will take the time to listen to
and enjoy our final statement of wisdom to the Hampton
Roads area! Thank you!!
Bob Gurske Moves On Up!
We would like to recognize Mr. Bob Gurske, sound engineer and owner
of Wintersound Studio, for all his hard work and contributions
to the Hampton Roads music community. Bob has recently become
a 9th grade history teacher in Portsmouth, VA, and has since
closed his studio in Gloucester. He has been the engineer for
all of the Loop's recordings thus far as well as many previous
recordings by Loop members and countless other bands (even yo
mama's band has been to Wintersound!) We hope that Bob will pop
his head into the recording scene every now and then in the future,
but only after he gets the kids under his belt!! Thanks for all
your outstanding work Bob! We wish you well in your new career!
New Outer Loop EP
The Loop has just finished their second official recording, a four song EP
that will be available on September 10 for, well let's just say "dirt cheap". For this recording, as well as live shows nowadays, the band has put down their acoustic instruments and cranked up electrified to display quite a change from "Who's On the Ceiling?",
but still base their performance on the same fun and good-natured spirit
they are known for.
Bassist Getting Hitched!
Matt has grown deeply in love with The Loop's Lighting Technician, Maria
Snead, and has asked her to be his bride. Despite the fact that Matt
smells like a goat after every performance, she has accepted! No date
is currently set, but to Graceland they will go ... (Extremely late,
1 year anniversary update: Matt and Maria were married in January, 2005
and are living happily in Hampton, Virginia)
New Local Music Site
The Outer Loop is now part of a brand new site for Hampton Roads bands and artists that has recently gone live on the web. The Undersound gives each artist a page of their own, lists show dates, provides downloadable songs, and gives several other features that are great for audiences and artists. Check out your local music scene at at http://www.theundersound.com
Four More Shows!!!
The Loop will only be playing four more shows this summer, due to venue closings, double bookings, and general idiocracy that exists in the music business. The band has decided to take it on the road for the most part, and play Hampton Roads occasionally, maybe 3-4 times a year. After these four shows, it will be a long long time before you can see them again, so catch em while you can!
Help Promote the Loop on your Bumpa!!
Although they are very long overdue, we have finally created and received our first shipment of Outer Loop Bumper Stickers! Sized at 4 x 4 inches, you can proudly display to the world of drivers the name of a local band you feel is noteworthy (you do feel this way, right???). Stickers are $1.00, or free with purchase of a CD or T-shirt; If you can outburp our short girl burp competitor, we'll give you one for free also! But in reality: what else can you buy for a dollar these days???
Hampton City Hall Welcomes The Outer Loop
We currently don't know much about the Neighborhood Month Kickoff Festival in Downtown Hampton, except that there will be a gospel group performing before us and that hopefully we can get some city council candidates to make friends with Oelle. We'll be jammin on the City Hall Steps Saturday afternoon, the 24th of April at 2:00 PM. Don't miss The Loop at it's peak of community awareness!!
"Who's On The Ceiling?" Available near you!
The Loop's debut CD is now available for purchase at several new locations. There is no markup - The CD is still only $10 for over 45 minutes and 19 original tracks! Get your copy today, or buy one for a friend that NEEDS it! Click here for a list of locations.
Physical Assault at Goody's
We are displeased to bring you the news that at the March 26 Goody's show, our panther, Oelle, was violently assaulted by a drunken spectator. For no apparent reason, an out-of control white female barged into a photo-shoot with a loopy and Oelle and proceeded to pound at Oelle's face with monster force and attempted to rip his head off until Matt was able to pull the out of control woman off of him. Oelle survived the feud, but is still much disturbed from this incident. A note to our spectators: It's OK (and encouraged) to have a good time, have some drinks, and if you can handle it, drink heavily! But please, keep yourself under control and have respect for others, whether human or feline!
Thanks to all of you who came out to support at the NorVa. It was a beautiful feeling to look down from the NorVa stage and see such a warm crowd of familiar and faithful faces. All the true loopies were there and those who weren't had excellent excuses. Thank you for making the night special for us!!
The Outer Loop has been asked to participate in a Habitat for Humanity
benefit show at the Norva on Saturday, February 28. This is the loop's
first time at the Norva, and therefore it is very important that all
loopies, past and present, young and old, big and small, charming or
ugly, all of you must come and show your support. Other bands performing
will be Guta, Rain Market, and Slim as the headliner. If the big guy
at the Norva sees that The Loop draws a nice crowd, it could open up
doors for future performances with potentially big names. They will be
opening the show, and it begins at 7:30, so be sure to put your dancin'
shoes on a little earlier than normal! Tickets are $10 and you can purchase
them in advance from any band member or some friends of The Loop. For
advance tickets, email theouterloop@steamyatticrecords.com and
we'll hook it up. Thanks for all your continued support!
For those of you that missed our Marker 20 show in December, you have yet to see The Outer Loop with our new drummer. We warmly welcome Rhonda Piasecki into the Loop. Rhonda is new to the Hampton Roads area, coming to the East Coast all the way from Portland, Oregon. She has fit right into our groove and we could not ask for a more friendly, motivated and talented drummer. Be sure to welcome Rhonda if you haven't already at any of our upcoming performances.
